Specific adaptations of strength, power and speed variables along a season in endurance runners

Publicado 27 de diciembre de 2011, 8:55

Specific adaptations of strength, power and speed variables along a season in endurance runners
Endurance running performance has been traditionally associated with a complex interplay of several physiological factors, like VO2 max, anaerobic threshold, running economic and anaerobic power (1). Strong evidence exists on the positive effects of strength training on several running performance determinants, mainly running economy (2). A key determinant of running economy is the ability to maintain power in fatiguing situations (3). Moreover, it has been generally stated that power measurements are among the best indicators of sports performance (4,5). However, these longitudinal measurements have not been published in endurance sports. The main purpose of this study with trained endurance runners was to assess the relationship between strength, power and speed indices that may be related to endurance running performance along a 23-weeks macrocycle. PARA CONOCER MÁS ACERCA DE NUESTRO TRABAJO Y LOS SERVICIOS QUE BRINDAMOS PUEDEN DIRIGIRSE A: www.allinyourmind.es